Today, we're talking about adding animation to our characters. I almost always see tutorials mention this aspect briefly, but never in depth. In all fairness, the reason for the lack of instructions for this sort of thing is probably the same reason as the lack of AI tutorials. Some code is going to be subjective not only to your game, but the way you program things. However, that's why I started this blog in the first place, so let's get started.
First, we need some graphics. I'm a terrible artist, but I want the graphics to at least look somewhat distinctive. Fortunately, I found a pretty awesome platform character template made by Chumbucket (he started a newer one, but I found the original to be pretty useful).
![]() |
This is Tanner. He's pretty lame, I agree. |
When I name sprites I tend to follow the same formula of spr_[object's first letter][quick description][suffix]. The formula seems a little convoluted, but I think it leads to short names, such as spr_trunr (or, sprite of Tanner, running right) that are easy to remember. You may also notice that I clumped the jumping and falling sprites together, both right and left, in the spr_inair. I actually discovered a neat trick later that let's me save some time doing this, but we'll get to that later.
We'll take it one animation at a time, starting with running. An easy fix would be to tack on a "change sprite" command to our horizontal movement code. The problem there is that the character would continue running unless you adding more code, probably along the lines of:
if keyboard_check_released(vk_right)
set character sprite to idle right
Unfortunately, that creates more problems. Perhaps there is a genuine fix for this method, but I found a way I like much better. Instead of adding to the movement code, we'll add code to the "End Step" Event and do something akin to this:
if player is moving leftward
set character sprite to run left
if player is moving rightward
set character sprite to run right
if player is not moving
set character sprite to idle
This is a bit vague. In fact, it almost seems a little obvious of a statement, since it's what we want ultimately. The question we should be asking is, how does the game know the character is moving left or right? In the earlier example, we used the fact that the player was pressing a key, but the game has no built in way of know the character's movement because we're just making it warp 8 pixels to the left or right instead of using the hspeed variable. There is a way, but first, we should add some new variables in the create event:
prevx = 0
prevy = 0
playerdir = 2 // 0 means left, 1 means right, 2 means neutral
prevplayerdir = 2
face = 1 // 0 means left, 1 means right
The "prev" variables are used for checking the character's movement. By comparing the old variable to the current ones, you can check for movement a little easier. For example, if you asked:
if (prevx < x)
Then you are asking if the character is moving to the right. The playerdir and face variables are really for convenience, but we can put them to good use later on. There is already a built in direction variable in every object made in Game Maker, but it's degree based and may actually change based on the player's hspeed and vspeed. Playerdir is just called playerdir so I don't get the two variables mixed up. Face is similar to playerdir, but it's important to remember the distinction between the two. Face is about the character's orientation, while playerdir is about the character's actual movement. At this point, the difference is not too important, aside from the idle graphic, which while neutral in direction, can either be facing left or right.
I'm going to stop here for now. I apologize for the lengthy wait between posts. From now on, posts may be shorter, but they'll be more consistent. Thanks for your patience.
Paragraph 10, Sentence 3: "built in" should have a hyphen (built-in)... Other than that, great post!